When you look for sth here

Friday 24 November 2017

The Moon :)

Reading my book when suddenly something tells me to stop and look through the train window.

And there it is.
A moon. Thin and slightly blurry (Although the latter may be just a side-effect of the last couple of hours of systems and data that support people. Or, at least, should...), watching me, looking down at me, sitting next to the window on a surprisingly under-crowded train, watching her back.

There's magic.
And a thought: who else is looking at her, thinking about this moment on their life, how different it was few months back, how different it will be few months from now? Who, indeed? Anybody?

Sunday 5 November 2017

once in a lifetime comes appreciation

Taking credit for motherhood:)

 - Mummy, can I take my scooter to school today?
- You could, if you were going to school. It's Saturday though.
- Is it fireworks day today!?
- Yes, it is.
- So we're going on a journey!
- Yes, we are.
- Thats wonderful! How did you know it's today?
- Cause I'm a mum. Mums know such things.
- You're a genius! Now, let's check the weather.